Coders Listen Up!! I am starting a new Series

2 min readFeb 21, 2024

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I want to do pursue DSA more seriously, want to experience the symphony of algorithms, but that is not the case as of now. I have solved around 30 problems on LeetCode, but most of the time, I just try random stuff, and that somehow works. I do not feel the code properly, how exactly it is working, and things like that. As someone rightly said, “You have not understood the thing if you cannot explain it to a 5 year old.”
The only way to force myself to actually explain to myself why this technique is better or why this is an edge case, I need to be able to put that idea down in simple words that can be understood by everyone.
So , as you might have guessed, this newsletter is on DSA problems, breaking them down as I try to solve them.

But why the name Trillingo?
Well, recently I have been in a sense of turmoil. I have been developing websites in JavaScript, Been learning and researching Rust, and my college course is on C++!
I could technically get used to DSA in one and hope it will transfer, but these 3 languages are vastly different.
C++ gives you a lot of manual control to make your code faster, but then you have a responsibility to not keep making segmentation faults
JavaScript is flexible and abstracts most of the details at the cost of logic and performance. “Either you hate dynamic typing or you have not used JavaScript Enough”
Rust emphasises on memory safety, by ensuring strict guard rails around how you handle your code. “Making easy things complex, but complex things easy”, as you never have to worry about edge cases or other things once your code is out
So the best approach is to develop a pseudo code, and then translate that to these three languages, using their individual abilities to the best. This way, we will be able to have a well rounded overview of the languages.

I have decided to solve the 169 problems in Grind 75 (

So Follow along!

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